Monday, May 10, 2010

Archaeology ~ My husbands career...

Many of you know or may not know that I am married to a man passionate about his job. He currently works with PCI and is "stationed" for lack of a better term, in Columbus, GA at Ft. Benning. The outdoors is his office and he gets to do what he loves. I thought today, I would share some awesome photos from some of his jobs and some of the amazing sites he sees while he gets paid.
He, by degree and trade is an Archaeologist. Yes, Indiana Jones was an archaeologist and NO, Eric does not find gold or bones :::most of the time::: They do however, find stuff like this:
A clay marble.


antique glass bottle

and a chimney base of a house.

In the process of finding all of this, Eric digs...

and digs
and digs some more...
He occasionally gets to screen

In the process to do what he can to preserve our history, he has been chased by wild boars, caught HUGE snakes ,
seen huge bald eagles fishing, found rare toads and countless lizards. He definitely has found his calling and passion. I just wish it were closer to home.

Hope you have enjoyed this walk thru Eric's occupation. I know I have! Enjoy your day...

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