The following post if from Cadie, Tyler's girlfriend. She posted it as a bulletin on Myspace. I think after reading it, my eyes were opened just a little more. She's amazing, and I think after you read it you will agree that God has big plans for her! Thanks Cadie... for "being a revolution" in small town America.
(written by Cadie Naramore , Berry High School Senior 2009, January 20, 2009)
In my government class today, we all went to the Media Center to watch the inauguration of Barack Obama. Nearly two million people packed in Washington DC to listen to this man give his inaugural address and the the Oath of Office! At freezing temperatures, MILLIONS of people from all over the country; spectators, law enforcement, Secret Service guys, news reporters, EVERYONE was there for ONE man.They were all there to hear a guy say a few words that they believe will change their lives!!!A thought occurred to me. Why are we placing all of our hope and trust in this person? He has NO POWER to bring us out of the condition we are in. The only way this nation or WORLD for that matter will come out of it's devastation is by one thing! If we can all realize that God is the only one who is Sovereign, God is the all-powerful one, not the government, things would begin to happen. GOD has the power to change our lives, NOT BARACK OBAMA!!! Change has to happen on a personal level before it could even begin to happen on an international level. If a deep adn life altering change could take place in the hearts of the people, it's only natural to assume that, over time, rapid change would begin to spread from one person to the other, the from nation to nation. Eventually, it's spreading like a wildfire! It IS possible.Granted, not everyone will change, but many would and that could be enough!I've heard it said that Obama may be the Antichrist, and my response to that is I don't know. At this point, whether he is or isn't, this entire situation is goin' down the crapper. MASSIVE CHAOS is going to take place whether Obama is the Antichrist or simply because the US is putting sole trust in him to fix the problems of the world. Our only hope is in the Maker. Generally, when people know how to make things, they know how to fix it, right? A clockmaker knows how to fix a broken clock, a carpenter knows how to repair a leaky roof. God knows and is fully capable of repairing His BROKEN and confused creation. But we must be willing to be fixed first.We just have to trust HImBe a Revolution,Cadie