Thursday, January 1, 2009

New baby vs old baby?

Well, its officially 2009 and Bekah is off and running! Ha!

Just moments ago, Mack fell into his Cruise and Crawl Jungle and hit his head on the Hippo. No real damage was done, but his ego was severely bruised.

Being the compassionate mommy... I scooped him up and was loving on him. I said, "Mommy loves Mack sooooo much!" He of course grinned thru his sniffles. Bekah however, looked up from her playdough dinner she was making and very matter of factly stated the "Ummmm... EVERYONE loves Mack ~ cause him's NEW!" I of course agreed that everyone does love him because he's a very special little boy.

Eric, overhearing the conversation asked Bekah if everyone would still love him when Mack got old. She, still working diligently on her playdough apples, said "Nope, him would be wrinkley."

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