Thursday, December 25, 2008


The other day, while I was washing dishes, Eric and Bekah ran across an airing of Third Day's Christmas Offerings concert on tv.

Third Day being one of our favorite Christian groups it was settled that we would watch/listen for a while.

Bekah, who loves to dance and sing, was doing her best to keep up. She was all over the living room floor with her best "Star Search" moves. While Third Day was serenading her with "O Come All You Faithful" Mac Powell, the lead singer, took a little too much artistic licensing for Bekah's taste. He sang "Glory to God-OH Glory in the highest" to which she stopped hard in her tracks and looked at Eric with the most puzzled look and exclaimed... "Who in the HECK is Carlos??? I thought this song was about GOD!"

1 comment:

Amy @ Cheeky Cocoa Beans said...

Carlos?!? LOL Cute! My little girl has been singing "Cinnamon is goin' ta town"...that is, she was, until Daddy corrected her! :)

I hope y'all had a merry Christmas! Love you! Miss you!

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